

Bridging Theory and Practice: Innovations in Urban Planning Communication 

Friday 22 March 2024 ● 09:30-13:00 ● Educafè / Building 2

1. Opening Dialogue _ We’ll kick off with a discussion featuring guests from academic and non-academic backgrounds, exploring effective communication strategies in urban planning. 

2. Interactive Group Sessions _ Participants will be divided into small groups based on their preferred forms of communication. Groups will select a research project and work collaboratively to present it in an accessible manner. 

3. Group Presentations _ Each group will showcase their outcomes, highlighting diverse communication methods. Creativity and innovation in presenting research findings will be encouraged. 

Organised by Busra Ince, Anita Martinelli & Giulia Oldani (PhD candidates, DAStU, Politecnico di Milano) & LOC

Credits: Tommaso Tusi / Urbinary.
Credits: American Planning Association.

Reflexivity generally refers to the examination of one’s own beliefs, judgments and practices during the research process and how these may have influenced the research. If positionality refers to what we know and believe, then reflexivity is about what we do with this knowledge. Reflexivity involves questioning one’s own taken for granted assumptions

Warwick, 2023